
C# code -Compare 2 pdf and give output as 2 pdfs with color

anoop gs

anoop gs

I have 2 pdf files pdf1 and pdf 2.I want to compare both pdf and should give result as 2 pdf outputs.
The 2 output pdf ,the changes should be highlighted in some color.say for output 1 -red color and output 2 pdf-green color for the change
 Eg: input pdf 1   - text is  :-  I am anoop
        input pdf 2 - text is :- I am aneesh
so the output should be as follows:
output pdf 3:  I am anoop
 output pdf 3: I am aneesh
means text anoop is changed to aneesh.So anoop in red color and aneesh in green color. Please provide the c# code for this.
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