
C# Assignment Question

lorraine chan

lorraine chan

Can anyone help me for this question??
This is for my college homework and I am lost in this one.
Thank you

Use all programming techniques that you have learnt so far, approximate the root of f(x) = x3 - 3 with the bisection method starting with the interval [1, 2] and use estep = 0.1 and eabs = 0.1.    Root is 1.4375
Initial Requirement:
We have an initial bound [ab] on the root, that is, f(a) and (b) have opposite signs.

Iteration Process:

Given the interval [ab], define c = (a + b)/2. Then

  • if f(c) = 0 (unlikely in practice), then halt, as we have found a root,
  • if f(c) and f(a) have opposite signs, then a root must lie on [ac], so assign b = c,
  • else f(c) and f(b) must have opposite signs, and thus a root must lie on [cb], so assign a = c.

Halting Conditions:

There are three conditions which may cause the iteration process to halt:

  1. As indicated, if f(c) = 0.
  2. We halt if both of the following conditions are met:
    • The width of the interval (after the assignment) is sufficiently small, that is b - a < estep, and
    • The function evaluated at one of the end point |f(a)| or |f(b)| < eabs.

If we halt due to Condition 1, we state that c is our approximation to the root. If we halt according to Condition 2, we choose either a or b, depending on whether |f(a)| < |f(b)| or |f(a)| > |f(b)|, respectively.

Answers (1)