
c# and directX creating release version



Hi there, anyone ever tried to create a release version of C# project that uses directX??? I tried it on a clean system. so first DX 9 had to be installed and since my application is for the .NET-Framework, that was installed too. Trying to run my programm only caused error messages to pop up!!! Running it on the system it was developed on, as release or debug is working well. It seems somethings are missing on my test system. I also tried to run a DX sample which is supplied with DXSDK, but that also failed showing the same error message. After installing the DX-SDK on the test system, the DX sample ran no probs, not my own project though. However, it can´t be right to install the SDK to be able to run a program. Surley the .Net-Framework must be enough. Waiting in anticipation for replies
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