I need to load datasource from database tabel to show on datagridview and in the datagrideview I have colum Col1 called Pay/time and col2 called amount. I want to minus Col2 to Col1 in Row0 and Col2 in row2 would be the sum of row0 or:
this code just working when the datagridview load or fill
Col1 Col2
1,000 - 10,000 = 9,000
1,000 - 9,000 = 8,000
1,000- 8,000 = 7,000
1,000 - n
1,000 -0
something like that. I do not know how to say in English well but I hope understand how to do it
I just can do Like
Col1 Col2
1,000 10,000
1,000 10,000
1,000 10,000
it keeps the same amount
Advance thanks
Agently need it.