
Business Data Connectivity Services in SharePoint 2010 tutorials ebook - My First eBook got released

My first eBook on Business Data Connectivity Services in SharePoint 2010 tutorials ebook got released :-)

The book covers the following topics

1 Business data connectivity services: an overview
2 Configure business data connectivity services 

3 Configure BCS service application association

4 External content types

4.1 SQL server database details

4.1.1 Employee Details table
4.1.2 Department table
4.1.3 Relationship

4.2 Create external content type using share point designer 2010 

4.2.1 Create External Content Type – Department ECT
4.2.2 Create External Content Type Association – Employee Details ECT

4.3 Create external content type using w cf service in share point designer 2010.

4.4 Create external content type using visual studio 2010

4.4.1 Create Business Data Connectivity Model 
4.4.2 Add LINQ to SQL Class
4.4.3 Add Data Connections 
4.4.4 Delete the default Entity from the BDC Model 
4.4.5 Adding an Entity to the Model 
4.4.6 ReadItem (Specific Finder Method) 
4.4.7 ReadList (Finder Method), Create, Delete, Update 
4.4.8 Code Snippet
4.4.9 Deploy the Solution 

4.5 Create external content type based on share point lists

4.5.1 SharePoint List 
4.5.2 Create SharePoint Solution based on Business Data Connectivity Model template
4.5.3 Delete the default BDC Model
4.5.4 Create a new BDC Model 
4.5.5 Modify Entity1.cs 
4.5.6 Modify the Entity 
4.5.7 ReadItem (Specific Finder Method) 
4.5.8 ReadList (Finder Method)
4.5.9 Add Service Reference
4.5.10 Modify CustomersService.cs
4.5.11 Deploy the solution

4.6 Manage external content types

4.6.1 Through Central Administration
4.6.2 Using SharePoint Designer 2010

5 Configure business data connectivity access rights

5.1 Set permissions for external content type through central administration
5.2 Set permissions for external content type using power shell

6 BDC model

6.1 View BDC models
6.2 Delete the BDC model
6.3 Export BDC model using sharepoint designer 2010
6.4 Export BDC model through central administration 2010
6.5 Import BDC model to BDC metadata store through central administration
6.6 Export BDC model from BDC metadata store using powershell
 6.7 Import BDC model to BDC metadata store using powershell
 6.8 Remove BDC model from BDC metadata store using powershell

7 External lists

7.1 Create external list through UI
7.2 Create external list through sharepoint designer 2010
7.3 Create external list using power shell

8 Crud operations for external data

8.1 Create operation
8.2 Read operation
8.3 Update operation
8.4 Delete operation

9 Configure external data column

10 Configure filter for external item picker using share point designer 2010

11 Search configuration for external data

11.1 Create a new content source
11.2 Create a new search scope
11.3 Add scope rule
11.4 Create a new basic search center
11.5 Configure search scopes in the search center
11.6 Start full crawl
11.7 Search for external data

12 Configure profile page for BCS

13 Business data web parts

13.1 Business data list
13.2 Business data item
13.2.1 Configure Business Data Item web part
13.2.2 Configure connections between Business Data List and Business Data Item web part
13.3 Business data actions
13.3.1 Add an action to external content type
13.3.2 Configure Business Data Actions web part
13.4 Business data connectivity filter
13.4.1 Configure business data connectivity filter
13.4.2 Configure connections between business data connectivity filter and business data list web part
13.5 Business data related list
13.5.1 Configure Business Data List web part for Department External Content Type
13.5.2 Configure Business Data Related List web part
13.5.3 Connect Business Data List and Business Data Related List web parts

14 User profile imports using BCS

14.1 Create new user properties
14.2 Configure synchronization connection
14.3 Add mapping to user property
14.4 Edit the user profile
14.5 Start full synchronization

15 Publish BCS across farms

15.1 Exchange trust certificates between farms
15.1.1 Exporting and copying certificates To export the root certificate from the consuming farm To export the STS certificate from the consuming farm To export the root certificate from the publishing farm To copy the certificates
15.1.2 Managing trust certificates Establishing trust on the consuming farm Establishing trust on the publishing farm
15.2 Publish BCS application
15.3 Set permission to the application discovery and load balancing service application for a consuming farm by using windows power shell
15.4 Set permission to the published service application for a consuming farm
15.5 Connect to a bcs application on a remote farm

16 External data in Microsoft Word 2010

16.1 Steps involved

17 External list in SharePoint workspace 2010

17.1 SQL database details
17.2 External content type
17.3 External list
17.4 Connect an external list to sharepoint 2010 workspace
17.5 Crud operations on external list from sharepoint 2010 work space
17.5.1 Read operation
17.5.2 Create operation
17.5.3 Delete operation
17.5.4 Update operation
17.6 Sorting, Grouping or Filtering external list items in work space

18 BCS related issues and how to resolve

18.1 Access denied by business data connectivity
18.2 Unable to add or edit the external list identifier column in the sharepoint workspace

18.3 Unable to connect to the specified address. Verify the url you entered and contact the service administrator for more details


Vijai Anand. R
Answers (4)