
Bulk insert update

vishal sahani

vishal sahani

 Hi All.
This is my first post in this forum.I am in a big problem.hope you guys can help me. I have a very large csv file like 1.71gb containing 3.5 crore records.i need to read the data & do some manipulaton & insert the records in the data base.now it is taking a very long time for the exe to reasd the file.it is only reading 12000 lines apprx in 90 mins.i need to read the  data as soon as possible.i have created 8 instances & splitted the file in to smaller files..there are a total of 400 files with 85000 lines each..i have to use some joins to get other fields before inserting & aslo need to check if a particular name exists & if yes i need to updtae some field of the records.the fieds to be updated is passed dynamically..

Can any one help me.

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