
Building a dynamic query and binding to DataGridView

Donnelly James

Donnelly James

Ok I'm building a dynamic query during runtime and i want bind the data to the DataGridView but I get lost when it comes to getting the data bound to the DataGridView. Can someone help me figure this out? 

  protected override void RunQuery()
long OldPONo = 0;
string RecordCountLimit = string.Empty;

if ( !( UserData.HasPermission( BPSPerm.BPS_Perm_UnLimitedDataSetSize ) ) )
RecordCountLimit = " Top 1000 ";

query = "select " + RecordCountLimit + " swo.*, ";
query = query + " est_time_hr + (est_time_min / 60.0) as est_time, ";
query = query + " m.machine_name from slitter_wo swo ";
query = query + " left outer join slitter_machine m on swo.machine_no = m.machine_no ";

if ( RAll.Checked )
query = query + " where swo.status <> 98776 ";
if ( RCOne.Checked )
query = query + " and swo.from_name like '" + EditCustName.Text + "%'";
if ( !( COpen.Checked ) )
query = query + " and swo.status <> " + BPSConst.WX_SWOStatus_Open;
if ( !( CPr.Checked ) )
query = query + " and swo.status <> " + BPSConst.WX_SWOStatus_Printed;
if ( !( CComplete.Checked ) )
query = query + " and swo.status <> " + BPSConst.WX_SWOStatus_Complete;
if ( !( CInv.Checked ) )
query = query + " and swo.status <> " + BPSConst.WX_SWOStatus_Invoiced;

query = query + " and swo.date_entry >= '" + dateSelectionFrame1.GetDateStart() + "' ";
query = query + " and swo.date_entry <= '" + dateSelectionFrame1.GetDateEnd() + "' ";

if ( RMOnly.Checked )
query = query + " and machine_name = " + cbMachine.Text;
query = query + " where swo.swo_no = " + EditOne.Text;

query = query + " order by swo.date_entry desc";

DataSet ds = new DataSet();
DataTable table = new DataTable("slitter_wo");
ds.Tables.Add( table );
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter( query, BPSConst.ConnStringTest );
da.Fill( ds );
BindingSource bs = new BindingSource();
bs.DataMember = "slitter_wo";
bs.DataSource = ds;

GridWO.DataSource = bs;


PanelTop1000Only.Visible =((GridWOView.RowCount >= 1000) &&
(RecordCountLimit != string.Empty));

this.qMachineTA.Fill( this.sCDataSet.qMachine );

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