
Bond class




The bond class
A brief but extended history

The bond class was first designed by a man name Q A Martin. Q, who originally designed hardware, moved to software programming
when his son, Daniel C Martin left the family business. Apparently Daniel was an excellent solderer, but when he left Q decided not to
solder on.
The bond name came about after Q paid $10000 bond money for an upmarket apartment for Daniel. The apartment was subsequently trashed
resulting in Q losing his money. The party that trashed Daniel's place had reports of fighting, lewd girls and gunshots. Daniel claimed he was not the villain
in this fiasco. To lease a new apartment, Daniel had to change his name to James, and just to annoy his father, he made his last name Bond.

The bond class had a disastrous start, the versions 001 to 006 crashed computers, seized servers and made the IT crowd irate.
The software was investigated on the grounds it was a virus. After delving into the code deeply, the CIA, without Daniel (James) help, discovered
Q was a noobie programmer who was not aware of C-Corner. He was put on a good behaviour bond.

With the release of version 007, the bond class finally hit the nail on the head. Money started rolling in. While Q counted his pennies, he further
designed a bond 3d class, but alas at this moment it is a failure. Q is beside himself with anger on that one.

The single drawback with the current release 007 bond class is you will need an mp3 of Shirley Bassey as background music for the class to instantiate;
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