- con = new OleDbConnection("provider=oraoledb.oracle.1;user id=scott;password=tiger");
- daEmp = new OleDbDataAdapter("select * from emp", con);
- daDept = new OleDbDataAdapter("select * from dept", con);
- ds = new DataSet();
- daEmp.Fill(ds, "emp");
- dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables["emp"];
- daDept.Fill(ds, "dept");
- cmbDname.DataSource = ds.Tables["dept"];
- cmbDname.DisplayMember = "dname";
- cmbDname.ValueMember = "deptno";
- pictureBox1.DataBindings.Add("Image", ds.Tables["emp"], "photo2", true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
- txtEmpno.DataBindings.Add("text", ds.Tables["emp"], "empno");
- txtEname.DataBindings.Add("text", ds.Tables["emp"], "ename");
- txtSal.DataBindings.Add("text", ds.Tables["emp"], "sal");
- cmbDname.DataBindings.Add("selectedvalue", ds.Tables["emp"], "deptno");
- dtpHireDate.DataBindings.Add("text", ds.Tables["emp"], "hiredate");
- txtJob.DataBindings.Add("text", ds.Tables["emp"], "job");
- OleDbCommandBuilder cmb = new OleDbCommandBuilder(daEmp);
- bmb = this.BindingContext[ds.Tables["emp"]];
- }
Im using the above code to insert picture of employee but when i Try to save it using
- bmb.EndCurrentEdit();
- daEmp.Update(ds.Tables["emp"]);
Im getting an error Dynamic SQL generation for the UpdateCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any key column information.
I have tried to change the data type in Oracle from blob to long raw but Im getting the same issue.
Could u plz let me know what is the error