
Binding images to datagrid from database using silverlight

pavani pavani

pavani pavani

Hi, I am developing one application in that I stored images from xaml page using generic handler and i am retrieving image from database using generic handler.I have written the database code to retrieve image in generic handler and i am calling that handler page in xaml page.Retrieving the image is working for me now.But my problem is how to retrieving images from DB and bind it to Datagrid in silverlight.And how to call data grid function and where to call that function.I referred the following link to bind images to datagrid but its not working for me and i am not getting how they are calling datagrid function. http://www.dotnetcurry.com/ShowArticle.aspx?ID=264&AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 Please can anybody help me solve this problem. Thanks in advance Pavani