
Binary to Decimal Conversion

I am taking an image file and converting it into binary format. Then I am converting that binary as a decimal format. But according to my algorithm I want to take 50,000 bits at a time following I am explaining my algorithm.

  1. Read an image file from any programming language.
  2. Convert that into binary format(pure 0's and 1's).
  3. Take 50,000 bits at a time and convert it into decimal format(here I am taking only 1000 bits right now)
  4. Convert that decimal again into again binary format.

Now problem is:

  • How can I take 50,000 bits at time to convert that into binary format
  • How will I convert that decimal number to binary again.

Here are 2 demos

  • Converting Binary to decimal https://repl.it/IHMY/1
  • Converting decimal to binary https://repl.it/IHMY


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