
Big file upload and handle by MVC on server side




suppose if i need to give provision to user that they can upload even big file in size say 5 GB. MVC server side action can handle 5 GB file size?

we can use jquery file uploader where we can specify chunk size because we need to upload big file broken into chunks. now how MVC can receive chunk and save each chunks into file system?

what technique we need to follow during chunk send to server side as result if two user uploading two big file then chunk should not over lap or should not mess in each other?

how to relate chunks in each other specific to file because at same time multiple big files other user can upload.

how mvc action method should look like which will receive chunks and at the end save all the chunks to file systems.

please help me to construct jquery function which will break files into chunks and also i need mvc action which will hold chunks and later save all the chunks to file systems.

discuss with sample code or redirect me to any relevant article.thanks

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