
Big big problem with WPF App.

Pit Pi

Pit Pi


I have a strange problem to solve. I am new in WPF. I need to develop a project in WPF. So I need to create WPF Application or WPF Browser Application which can modify user interface.
For example this app should have toolbox(like in VisualStudio) with controls which are strored in Database(there is a tables with control names, attributes and values). We also have a canvas on whitch we can drag and drop controls from toolbox. We also should have a panel with properties of active control. The storage of only xaml is not a big problem but I don not know what to do with methods. For example when we add a button from toolbox to our canvas(drag&drop) we are creatiang a new instance of button on canvas - how can I code a button click event for example? When I add a attribute Click with method name to xaml I am getting an error: Must compile XAML file that specifies events.

What do I have to do? My xaml must be stored in DB but what with business logic? Where do I have to sore it?

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