
Better way?

Chuck Barnes

Chuck Barnes


This code works just the way I want but I was wondering if there was a better way to do it.

For example I needed to get the number of ros returned so I am having to run the read function twice once to get the number of rows then the second time to use the data.  AS you can see the first read lets me loop thru so i can create the xls file with out already knowing how many records i will get back.

and the nested for loop part, is that best way to create the xls sheet?

myReader = myCommandCompareResults.ExecuteReader()

While myReader.Read() 'counts the number of records returned.

a = a + 1

End While


myReader = myCommandCompareResults.ExecuteReader()

For x = 1 To a 'number of records

For i = 1 To 9 'number of columns

If myReader.Read() Then

excelWorksheet.Cells(i, x) = myReader(0)

excelWorksheet.Cells(i, x + 1) = myReader(1)

excelWorksheet.Cells(i, x + 2) = myReader(2)

excelWorksheet.Cells(i, x + 3) = myReader(3)

excelWorksheet.Cells(i, x + 4) = myReader(4)

excelWorksheet.Cells(i, x + 5) = myReader(5)

excelWorksheet.Cells(i, x + 6) = myReader(6)

excelWorksheet.Cells(i, x + 7) = myReader(7)

excelWorksheet.Cells(i, x + 8) = myReader(8)

End If

Next i

Next x

Answers (1)