
Auditions for my play (about software development) begin soon

The auditions for my play begin soon now. Watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6V-Lchu7aiA

My name is Sathyaish. Last year, i.e. in 2011, I wanted to do some theater. No one took me, so I announced that I would start my own group. I wrote a script. Then, I wrote a screen play from that. Now, I am almost ready to begin the auditions. A lot of actors have already contacted me. If you too live in Delhi or know someone who does who would want to be in the play, please (let them) reach me through the form at http://sathyaish.net/contact.aspx

The audition for my play will begin soon. For the exact date, time and place for the auditions, please keep watching the Web page at http://sathyaish.net/acting



If you don't like what you are doing, get the hell out of it as quickly as possible and find something you love doing. The money will come. Follow your dream: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrPLHKqJT3Q
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