In a C# 2010 web form application, I would like a panel control to maintain
the scrollbar position when the web form page posts to the server.
I am having trouble making this happen.
Thus can you tell me how to have the scrollbar on the panel control
maintain the scrollbar position.
The following is the *.aspx markup that I am referring to:
<asp:TableRow ID="TableRowb" runat="server" Visible="true">
<asp:TableCell ID="TableCell5" runat="server" HorizontalAlign="right">
</asp:TableCell><asp:TableCell ID="TableCell5a" runat="server" HorizontalAlign="left">
<asp:Panel ID="Panel2" runat="server" CssClass="TextBoxStyle" GroupingText="company Number and Name">
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" ScrollBars="Auto" Height="130px" Width="455"
<asp:CheckBoxList ID="ChkBoxLstCompany" runat="server" >