
ASP.NET MVC using Angular JS



Consider against a Competition record, No. of Participants count is 5 & already 5 students are nominated.
Now login with Student & try to nominate the Student for above Competition. Observe that Student is nominated successfully.
Expected: Should get alert message as "Operation Conflict: Nominations are already reached to max limit."
the Above Validation message is getting when select a Competition. But After selecting the Competition click on Submit, oBserve that student is able to apply for that competition eventhough max limit has reached.
Expected: Provide the Validation message at the Time of Submission so that he cannot apply for that competition
//this is for save competition
$scope.SaveCompetition = function () {
var validated = true;
if ($scope.cmpid == "" || $scope.cmpid == null) {
ngNotify.set("Please select Category.");
validated = false;
return false;
else if ($scope.StudentSelection.length <= 0) {
ngNotify.set("Please select Competition.");
validated = false;
return false;
else if ($scope.SelectedCompetionstudents.length <= 0) {
ngNotify.set("Please select Competition.");
validated = false;
return false;
else {
var mydata = $scope.cmpdata;
var obj = mydata[0].Maxvalue;
var selectedlistcount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < mydata.length; i++) {
if (mydata[i].Status1 == 'Checked') {
selectedlistcount = selectedlistcount + 1;
if (obj != null && obj != "") {
if ((($scope.SelectedCompetionstudents.length) + selectedlistcount) > mydata[0].Maxvalue) {
ngNotify.set("Operation Conflict: Already max limit of competitions are reached.");
validated = false;
return false;
if ($scope.GetNoofparticipants != null) {
if (($scope.GetNoofparticipants.NoOfParticipants) != null) {
if ($scope.SaveedListOfStudentIds.length > $scope.GetNoofparticipants.NoOfParticipants) {
ngNotify.set("Operation Conflict: Nominations are already reached to max limit.");      //It is not
                                            // working properly in some cases.
validated = false;                           //It is not restricting the values sometimes
return false;
if (validated) {
var ss = '';
angular.forEach($scope.SelectedCompetionstudents, function (value, key) {
if (ss.length <= 0)
ss = ss + value;
ss = ss + "," + value;
method: 'POST',
url: '/StudentCompetition/Save?cmpparticipant=' + ss + "",
data: null,
.success(function (data) {
$scope.isDirty = false;
$("#cModal1, .customModalCover").css("display", "none");
$scope.StudentSelection = [];
$scope.SelectedCompetionstudents = [];
$scope.StudentCategory = 'Choose Category';

Attachment: 61.zip

Answers (2)