
ASP.NET MVC 4 or 5.x

Jangu Phelix

Jangu Phelix

Hi everyone,
Thank you very much for your contributions on this site. I have really learned a lot from here. Straight to my question; I want to do a web-based project using the ASP.NET MVC framework and my worry is that, just the other day was asp.net mvc 4, then mvc 5 and now mvc 5.1. I am new to asp.net mvc, and I want to put a lot of effort to learn it and subsequently use it as my major development platform, using c#. Now my question is, is there need to invest in mvc 4 or I can just jump into mvc 5? The major concern is also resources about these versions of asp.net mvc. mvc 4 has a good collection of resources readily available to me, but very few about mvc 5. I'm not sure of how long mvc 4 will live!
Please I need your professional advise on this to help make a decision that will be of benefit to me even in the future.
Thank you in advance.
Phelix Jangu
Student, Maseno University - Kenya.
Answers (1)