
ASP.NET MVC 5 with Identity and oracle.

ceci bela

ceci bela

I need to create an MVC Application that allows users to login with Active Directory(I've done this before so that's no problem). After they are login in, I need to connect to ORACLE 11g and pull some records. 
I was finally able to create an MVC application with Oracle without Entity using this tutorial. My problem is when I create the exact same application with same everything, except that now it's created with Identity, it no longer works. 
LINK: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51974741/oracle-provider-with-entity-frame-net-framework-4-6-fails-when-individual-use 
What's in Identity what causes Oracle connection to fail?! I need to create the application with Identity so that I can use those components to login using AD. 
Thank you so much for your help.  
Answers (2)