
ASP.net grid view dynamic grid view header to be binded

Anand Deva

Anand Deva


Based on selection of a dropdown value and click of search button gridview to be binded. This datatable will have different table/column records based on selected value of a dropdown.
For ex :
If dropdown list value "Yes" is selected Column 1 to Column 6 to be bounded from table A where column 1 is a check box , column 2 is a bound field and column 3,5,6 is a textbox and column 4 is a dropdown
If dropdown list value "No" is selected Column 1,Column 4 to Column 8 to be bounded from table A where column 1 is a check box , column 4 is a bound field and column 6,7,8 is a textbox and column 5 is a dropdown
I have to edit each records on by one and save it to a data table. on click of a final submit button the modified records alone to be updated in database(table A)