I want to be able to show data if an integer is not null. However, if is null I get error
@if (item.PTWSubsequent.PTWNoS != 0)
<div class="col-md-1">
<a class="form-control text-center btn-link" asp-page="/PTW/IsolationCertificate" asp-route-ptwid="@item.PTWId" asp-route-ptwsid="@item.PTWSId">@Html.DisplayFor(model => item..PTWNoS)</a>
and code behind
PTWContentList = await _context.PTWContents.Include(s => s.PTWMain).Include(s => s.PTWSubsequent).Where(s => s.PTWMain.OrgID == orgid).ToListAsync();
I get the error that PTWNoS is null which I know is null. I just want to not show the div if is null