
Array of function pointer variable

Jun Martin

Jun Martin

Dear all,

I have a button that if I click, the btn_click will call a function that will create additional buttons (qty of button will depend of the length of array passed to that function) that will have a customizable text and handler...

I have managed to put the text by the following code:
Dim btn_text() As String = {"Func 1","Func 2", "Func 3"}
For x = 0 To btn_text.Length - 1
        Dim btn As New Button
        btn.Text = btn_text(x)
        'here should be where I assign the handler

But, when I need to assign the handler, I'm using another string array that contains the function's name.
And then during the "AddHandler btn.Click, AddressOf ", the AddressOf can't take string as parameter.

So my question is:
-am I doing it in a correct and effective way? at least for the text button?
-if yes, how do we assign the functions to the button handler via an array/variable?
-if no, what is the common method that people do for these kind of task?

Many Thanks,
Answers (2)