
Architecturely Lost!

Bryan Homrighous

Bryan Homrighous

I am developing an application that I am using to track workouts.  This has become amazingly difficult for me because of all of the variations that I need to incorporate.

The problem is that every workout can be different.  Even if the person is doing the same thing.  Such as riding a bike.  You can ride a bike for leasure but others will ride for time and traing purposes or warm up for the main excersise!  Same goes with weight lifting.  You can weight lift for X amount of reps or weight lift for a certian amount of time, depending on what the coach orders up.  Also, my coaches have about 1000 different types of weight lifting exercises and many different variations to them. 

So I am at a loss where to start with an OO diagram. 

It seems as if this might fit a decorator pattern?  The base is a workout then the person can plug any number of exercises in the workout object?

How do I instantiate a workout that has 5 different exercises versus a workout that has only one workout (riding a bike)?  Do I have to have 1 Billion Constructors?

What about each of the variations, ie pushups versus one-armed pushups?  Two seperate Objects?

Any articles etc would be very helpful. 

Thanks in advance.


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