
Application consolidation, migration and integration

Aniket Mhala

Aniket Mhala


Hello Team,

Need your valuable suggestions, gudiance here.


The eCommerce Fulfilment system (ECF) provides picking & fulfilment functionality for online orders across Four (4) Banners (Banner 1 , Banner 2, Banner 3, Banner 4).

The ECF applications are Picking & Fulfillment systems optimised for store based picking. There are a number of customizations that have been made over time to satisfy the different demands and unique processes within each Trading Division.

The New Store Picking will support Home Delivery &/or Click & Collect and may also be integrated with Drop Ship Vendors, Freight Brokers or Parcel Carrier via Customer Order Management.


Consolidate the four instances of ECF system into single shared platform. The current four instances of ECF system was developed using ASP and VB6 and need to migrate on ASP.Net and C#.

For four brands, there are four instances of same ECF application with appox. 80% common code and 20% brand specific specialization (customization).

The new single application must be service oriented and have provision to   separate the brand specific customization and common functionality

The master data is being provided from SAP and Oracle to existing four instance of ECF system.

It looks like that  consolidation, migrations and integration of old four instances of ECF system into single new shared single application (Platform) is required without impacting on business as usual with cost effective solution.

There should be also provision to add new brands to newly developed share application (platform)

Any guidance, pointers, case studies, solutions will be highly appreciated….

The new application will be hosted on AWS cloud.




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