
App,Config Configuration Settings

Sumit Bhatnagar

Sumit Bhatnagar



I am using the App.Config file to store few mail settings including the static text that will be used to send the mail. All the key/value pair is working fine except for the static content pair where in I am not able to use HTML formatters to format the mail message. I am using the following statement:


<add key="MailStaticContent" value="Hi,<br />Please find attached your daily  report.<br /><br />Thanks,<br />Reporting System<br /><br />Note: Do not reply to this auto-generated message. To send mail to the Coordinator, please use the application's 'Send Mail' link."/>


I get the following message:

Application Configuration file "App.config" is invalid. '<', hexadecimal value 0x3C, is an invalid attribute character. Line 21, position 44. <app_path>\App.config 21 44 <app_name>

It is a mandate as per the design to use a HTML based mail and the values should be managed through the App.Config.

Any suggestions on how to rectify this issue?

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