I have use third party api for sending the mail. the given me one url i realy dont no how integrate this api with my c# code Please help me .i want to send email using this api. url is
curl -X POST -H "accept:application/json" -G \
http://ThirdPart.com/api/v1/lists? \
-d api_token=Myapi_token \
-d name=List+1 \
-d from_name=ABC+Corp. \
-d default_subject=Welcome+to+ABC+Corp. \
-d contact[company]=ABC+Corp. \
-d contact[state]=asd \
-d contact[address_1]=14+Tottenham+Court+Road+London+England \
-d contact[address_2]=44-46+Morningside+Road+Edinburgh+Scotland+EH10+4BF \
-d contact[city]=Noname \
-d contact[zip]=80000 \
-d contact[phone]=1211111111 \
-d contact[country_id]=1 \
-d contact[url]=http://www.www.org \
-d subscribe_confirmation=1 \
-d send_welcome_email=1 \
-d unsubscribe_notification=1