
API for MySqL Database in Azure

Background: For my Backend in Mobile Xamarin Project, I am trying to set up so that all my database related query calls made from this mobile app are sent via GET request which so far appears to be the safest way of requesting information via web. We as a company already have MySQL in Azure that we use everyday to run reports out of in Excel and PowerBI locally. This mobile app will only be distributed internally to staff members.

Problem: Within Azure portal, how can I expose this MySQL database to API so that it is first testable at least in Postman client before moving in to Visual Studio IDE?

What have I tried so far?: Within Azure Portal, I have created an API app and under its configuration contains connections string from MySQL database. Registered this app in Azure AD and set some permission levels. Don't exactly know where to go from here.

Your help will be much appreciated as have been stuck on this for a long time.