while executing the code alert("promiseC done") is displaying first and then alert("promiseC"); is displaying last because of this the data was not displaying properly from function Displaydata(); from below code.
- App.controller("Ctrl", function ($scope, $http, $location, $window, $sce, $q) {
- var promiseA = getMA(Id).then(function () {
- alert("GOT MA data from API call");
- }
- var promiseB = getMB(Id).then(function () {
- alert("GOT MB data from API call");
- }
- var promiseC = getMC(Id).then(function () {
- alert("GOT MC data from API call");
- getotherdata(MC.Id).then(function () {
- . .
- }
- ..
- alert("promiseC");
- }
- var promiseB = promiseA.then(function (result) {
- alert("promiseA done");
- });
- var promiseC = promiseB.then(function (result) {
- alert(" promiseB done");
- });
- var promiseD = promiseC.then(function (result) {
- alert("promiseC done"); Displaydata();
- });
- }
How can i make to work properly so that alert("promiseC") will display first and then alert("promiseC done").
Also tried in below way but same issue as above in chain promises.
- var promiseA = function(){
- var deferedA = $q.defer();
- deferedA.resolve();
- return deferedA.promise;
- }
- var promiseB = function(){
- var deferedB = $q.defer();
- deferedB.resolve();
- return deferedB.promise;
- }
- var promiseC = function(){
- var deferedC = $q.defer();
- alert("promise c");
- deferedC.resolve();
- return deferedC.promise;
- }
- $q.all([promiseA, promiseB, promiseC]).then(function () {
- alert("all done"); Displaydata();
- })