I would like to calculate and display last 3 days remaining time in a single p tag using angular 7
Here is my code
- <p>You have remaining time <span *ngFor="let item of _objAttendancePage.Attendancelist">{{item.remainingTime}}</span> min to complete your working hour. Do you want to still punch out ?|</p>
After run this code output is like this:
- You have remaining time 00:25:20,00:30:25,00:40:15 Min to complete your working hour. Do you want to still punch out ?
I expect if user logout his session before working hrs completed(last 3 days)
Employee Remaining Time List:
1st Day: 00:25:20,
2nd Dat: 00:30:25,
3rd Day: 00:40:15,
4th Day: 01:50:15 and so on
I Expect The Final Output Is: You have remaining time 96Min to complete your working hour. Do you want to still punch out ?