
An Assignment question... Your help is really appreciated.

Write a C# console program that converts temperature in degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. Show all values from –40 degrees Celsius to +40 degrees Celsius in steps of 5 degrees. For example, your output should show –40, –35, –30, –25 and so on, up to +40 degrees Celsius.
For each value shown in degrees Celsius, your program is required to calculate the equivalent temperature in degrees Fahrenheit using the following formula:
f = (9.0/5.0) * c + 32, where 'c' is the temperature in Celsius and 'f' is the temperature in Fahrenheit.
The program must use a for loop. Test your program thoroughly before submitting it. The program must run without any run-time errors and the answers must be correct. You can use Excel to check that your answers are correct. (–40 degrees C is equal to –40 degrees F.
Answers (3)