Below is my query,I want Allowance and Deduction of each employee in one row,employee ID must not be repeated ,as you may see image Employee ID 30007 ,is being repeated.
- SELECT (M.Emp_ID) as ID , M.EMp_Name as Name , M.EMP_Salary as Salary,D.Designation_Name as Designation,
- CASE WHEN T.DA_Type_ID = 'Allowance' THEN Sum(ASD.assign_amt) ELSE 0 END AS Allowance,
- CASE WHEN T.DA_Type_ID = 'Deduction' THEN Sum(ASD.assign_amt) ELSE 0 END AS Deduction,
- isnull(M.emp_OT,0) as emp_OT
- ,0 'txtpresent', 0 'txtabsent',0 'txtsalary',0 'lbOT_Amount',0'txthour'
- FROM tbl_Employee_Master M
- inner join tbl_designation D on D.Designation_ID=M.Designation_ID
- inner join tbl_assign_Allowance_Deduction ASD on asd.Emp_ID=M.Emp_ID
- inner join tbl_Type_allowance_Deduction T on T.DA_ID=ASD.DA_ID
- group by M.Emp_ID,M.EMp_Name,M.EMP_Salary,D.Designation_Name,T.DA_Type_ID,M.emp_OT
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