After SortMode Automatic, my function doesn't work
Hi All,
I trying to sort the datagrid grid column, after sorting i want it to trigger the function hide the row which the column data row equal to "-". Unfortunately. It's NOT working. But i put breakpoint. It's actually trigger the fuction & visble=false as well. Look Funny, it's doesn't hide my "-" row.
Please Advise.
Here is my code 2 method i used, both failed:
Method I
Datagrid Column
this.dgvtbcRevByYearTotalRc.DataPropertyName = "value_total_rc";
this.dgvtbcRevByYearTotalRc.HeaderText = "Total...";
this.dgvtbcRevByYearTotalRc.Name = "dgvtbcRevsByYearTotalRc";
this.dgvtbcRevByYearTotalRc.ReadOnly = true;
this.dgvtbcRevByYearTotalRc.SortMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable;
this.dgvtbcRevByYearTotalRc.Width = 60;
this.dgvtbcRevByYearTotalRc.DataGridView.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.lblTotalYTDDrillDownCaption_Click);
private void lblTotalYTDDrillDownCaption_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.dgvtbcRevByYearTotalRc.SortMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic;
///Added by micheale to hide "-" row
foreach (DataGridViewRow item in dgvRevByYear.Rows)
dgvRevByYear.CurrentCell = null; // To avoid Row associated with the currency manager's position cannot be made invisible
if (item.Cells["dgvtbcRevenuesByYearTotalRc"].FormattedValue.ToString() == "-")
item.Visible = false;
Method II
Datagrid Column
this.dgvtbcRevByYearTotalRc.DataPropertyName = "value_total_rc";
this.dgvtbcRevByYearTotalRc.HeaderText = "Total...";
this.dgvtbcRevByYearTotalRc.Name = "dgvtbcRevsByYearTotalRc";
this.dgvtbcRevByYearTotalRc.ReadOnly = true;
this.dgvtbcRevByYearTotalRc.SortMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic;
this.dgvtbcRevByYearTotalRc.Width = 60;
this.dgvtbcRevByYearTotalRc.DataGridView.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.lblTotalYTDDrillDownCaption_Click);
private void lblTotalYTDDrillDownCaption_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
///Added by micheale to hide "-" row
foreach (DataGridViewRow item in dgvRevByYear.Rows)
dgvRevByYear.CurrentCell = null; // To avoid Row associated with the currency manager's position cannot be made invisible
if (item.Cells["dgvtbcRevenuesByYearTotalRc"].FormattedValue.ToString() == "-")
item.Visible = false;
Thank you.