
Advantages of .Net Core 2.1 over Node.js

Matthew Hebb

Matthew Hebb

As part of a final project I have created a functioning RESTful API in .Net Core. I'm about to graduate from a coding bootcamp where we were taught how to create back ends in Node.js. I initially created the API in Node but wanted to gain a better understanding of OOP so I replicated it in C#.
I now have to present what I have done and give reasons as to why I've used this technology. Aside from the learning process, are there any advantages of the .Net Core framework over Node?
I thought .Net Core might be faster but I've tested both APIs locally and the Node.js is generally faster. Using insomnia, node averages around 2 ms per response against .net core's 15 ms. The hosted .Net Core is a lot faster but I believe this is because it is hosted on Azure as opposed to a free Heroku account.
The only other advantage I could think of is security as the database it serves from would eventually contain user information. I've not implemented any security measures/encryption on either and both have CORS enabled. Is one framework inherently more secure in any way?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Answers (4)