
ADO.NET Navigating related Tables Access



Hello everybody,

I am beginner in VB.net and have following problem:

I wanted to build an application for managing my patients. I did it with MS Access and would like to build the same application using VB.NET.
1. It was possible using VB.NET assistants and a copy of my Access-DB. in the time of writing this programm the DB grew with some patients and their visits up. I thought, it was just simple to copy the up to date DB ( after deleting the old one ) where the old DB was. My application runs, but all forms are empty. How can I update the DB and make it possible that the programm recognizes the new DB.

2. I tried to write without VB.Net assistants. My problem there is how to ensure that related tables ( i.e Patient/Visits ) move together ( i.e when I click on the forward button for patients, how can I ensure that the visits for the same patient are displayed ).

I hope someone could help!!! me
