
ADO.NET data model from database is leaving out three of my tables

Hi guys, 

i am doing a asp.net mvc with identity framework, i have used the individual user account template as my base, and added some functions of my own. this has setup the identity framework, and identity.entityframework for me. I have only added the roles functionality right now, and its working fine. i havent touched any other code. 

my ApplicationDbContext is connected as "DefaultConnection" to my database, and i have 10 tables. 
AspNetUsers, AspNetRoles, AspNetUserClaims, AspNetUserLogins, AspNetUserRoles - these are the basic table i created for Identityframework with appropriate column, ive added my own column in AspNetUsers. 

comments, commentsReplies, disicpline [discplineId, disciplineName], UserCommentAccess [Id commentID], UserDiscipline [Id, discplineID]

the identity framework as automatically connected to the context and used its tables. now i want to use my own tables to show the user its data. so i imported the tables using ADO.NET EntityData Model. and i have imported all tables, as they all have relationship with each other. but, i can only see 7 of my tables. 

this is the connection of my tables in db. 

Referencing Table Referencing Column Referenced Table Referenced Column
UserDisciplines disciplineID discipline disciplineID
AspNetUserRoles RoleId AspNetRoles Id
AspNetUserRoles UserId AspNetUsers Id
AspNetUserClaims UserId AspNetUsers Id
AspNetUserLogins UserId AspNetUsers Id
comments Id AspNetUsers Id
commentsReplies Id AspNetUsers Id
UserDisciplines Id AspNetUsers Id
UserCommentAccess Id AspNetUsers Id
commentsReplies commentId comments commentID

am i doing something wrong here. because, there is a relationship between, AspNetUsers > UserDiscipline > discipline. 

UserDiscpline acts as a safety table for sql injections.

i want to be able to use, discpline table within the register.cshtml to make sure that users are able to pick discipline when registering, and i want admin to dynamically add/remove discpline. i cannot do this if the ado.net tables arent imported correctly. 

can i get some help please, i am new to ASP.net and ADO.net

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