Hi guys,
i am doing a asp.net mvc with identity framework, i have used the individual user account template as my base, and added some functions of my own. this has setup the identity framework, and identity.entityframework for me. I have only added the roles functionality right now, and its working fine. i havent touched any other code.
my ApplicationDbContext is connected as "DefaultConnection" to my database, and i have 10 tables.
AspNetUsers, AspNetRoles, AspNetUserClaims, AspNetUserLogins, AspNetUserRoles - these are the basic table i created for Identityframework with appropriate column, ive added my own column in AspNetUsers.
comments, commentsReplies, disicpline [discplineId, disciplineName], UserCommentAccess [Id commentID], UserDiscipline [Id, discplineID]
the identity framework as automatically connected to the context and used its tables. now i want to use my own tables to show the user its data. so i imported the tables using ADO.NET EntityData Model. and i have imported all tables, as they all have relationship with each other. but, i can only see 7 of my tables.
this is the connection of my tables in db. ![](qwe)
Referencing Table |
Referencing Column |
Referenced Table |
Referenced Column |
UserDisciplines |
disciplineID |
discipline |
disciplineID |
AspNetUserRoles |
RoleId |
AspNetRoles |
Id |
AspNetUserRoles |
UserId |
AspNetUsers |
Id |
AspNetUserClaims |
UserId |
AspNetUsers |
Id |
AspNetUserLogins |
UserId |
AspNetUsers |
Id |
comments |
Id |
AspNetUsers |
Id |
commentsReplies |
Id |
AspNetUsers |
Id |
UserDisciplines |
Id |
AspNetUsers |
Id |
UserCommentAccess |
Id |
AspNetUsers |
Id |
commentsReplies |
commentId |
comments |
commentID |
am i doing something wrong here. because, there is a relationship between, AspNetUsers > UserDiscipline > discipline.
UserDiscpline acts as a safety table for sql injections.
i want to be able to use, discpline table within the register.cshtml to make sure that users are able to pick discipline when registering, and i want admin to dynamically add/remove discpline. i cannot do this if the ado.net tables arent imported correctly.
can i get some help please, i am new to ASP.net and ADO.net