
Adding value to datatable and bind to gridview

narasiman rao

narasiman rao

   In run mode as follows

Major code AMC(Dropdownlist) Minor code AFF(dropdownlist) Button(Add)

Add button code as follows
protected void btnadd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Dt.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[2] { new DataColumn("Major Code", typeof(string)),
new DataColumn("Minor Code", typeof(string))});
Dt.Rows.Add(ddlmjrcode.SelectedItem.ToString(), ddlminorcode.SelectedItem.ToString());

gvmajormaster.DataSource = Dt;

When i click the add button i want to add the AMC and AFF in first row in gridview and second row AMC and BMC for that how can i do in asp.net using c#.

Excepted output in Gridview as follows
Major code     Minor code
AMC                          AFF
AMC                           BMC

But my output in gridview as follows
Major code     Minor code
AMC                 AFF

When i add the second minor code in gridview in first row Minor code gets replaced.

for that how can i do in asp.net using c#.
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