
Adding my UserControl to each row of DataGrid

Mahdi Ajoudanian

Mahdi Ajoudanian

I am writing a WPF application that reading data from a excel file, and adding them to a database with LINQ.
I want to use my own UserControl (a complex button with animation that I create with WPF User Control Library ) in each row of a DataGrid (the DataGrid shows the Database Table). I am using LINQ to add data in database. I have a problem here. I use the below method in my C# code but the cell involve this statement instead of showing the UserControl: "APButton.UserControl1" (APButton is my own Button). It's like a string!

var book = new LinqToExcel.ExcelQueryFactory(@"E:\\list.xlsx");

           var query = from row in book.Worksheet("Sheet1")
                        let item = new
                                FullName = row["name"].Cast<string>(),
                                StNumber = row["stnumber"].Cast<string>(),
                                Branch = row["branch"].Cast<string>(),
                                CourseName = row["coursename"].Cast<string>(),
                                Status = apButton,
                        select item;

            MyDataGrid.ItemsSource = query;