
Add & View Tasks added in Outlook by VB.NET





   I want to add Tasks in Outlook from my Vb.NET application. I am able to add tasks successfully with the help of article of Sridhar.

After adding the task, when I open my outlook, I can see the created task in ToDo, Task List & in Day & Week of Calendar but not in Month of Calendar View. Any idea how can I see the task in Month view too & why the same is not visble in Month view.

And on mouse over of the task, I want to see the body of the task in a window, like we can see the Start Time, End Time, etc .I want to see the body part of the task. I TODo list, if I put my mous eover the task, I can see some part of the body, I want to see full contents from Calendar, ToDo & Task List. How Can I see that full contents.

If you have any idea to solve any or my both points, would be greatful.
