
add price of selected items from checklistbox in c# windows

RJ Raj

RJ Raj

Plz help me!
I am developing a VS 2010 C# windows form application such that I have a checkedlistbox with subject name when i choose course from combobox then checkboxlist shows all subject related to course name. also I have simple checkbox for (select all subject), i want to check all subject or check particular subject . Now when i checked subject then  fee will be added and show on textbox . fee is given into the database of subject table
For example:
                        Subject Name=  Fee 
Checkedlistbox item 1 English=  1000
Checkedlistbox item 2 Hindi    =   500
Checkedlistbox item 3 Marathi = 800
Checkedlistbox item 4 Science= 2000
Checkedlistbox item .......n
On a subject selected event, If for instance I checked items 1,2 and 4, I want the sum of these values (i.e 3500)
displayed in textbox1.
Many thanks.
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