Hi all,
I create an ASP NET Core (2.2) Web Api (2.2) that render an angular (7) client app, using default template of Visual Studio 2017; it's work fine. After I added microsoft-adal-angular6 node module package to permit azure client authentication. So I create an Azure AD B2C and I have register new app. I have added same users (external user by email). I configure Web Application on StartUp to use JWT Token coming from Client app (services.AddAuthentication(AzureADDefaults.BearerAuthenticationScheme).AddAzureADBearer(options => Configuration.Bind("AzureAd", options));) and I decorated my controller with [Authorize]. It's perfectily work.
Now I need to add custom property to each users that i can read from ClaimsIdentity into my controller. For example one of this custom user property is "UserWeight" or "UserFiscalCode". I don't found how to do it.
Any ideas?