
Active Directory authorization

Fukzai Taam

Fukzai Taam

Hi, I'm doing a project about single authentication and authorization using Web Service and Active Directory.
The main idea is that any application in an organization should adapt themselves for using my Web Service in
parts of authentication to use only one users' identity for a user for every applications.
The users' identities are kept in AD and used by the Web Service.

Another part is authorization.
Now, I designs that the service provides methods for application registration so that the applications can register to the service and that the service manages publishing the applications into the AD. The application developers also has to grant privileges for an application to groups/roles of users via the service. This can authorize users who access applications.

Moreover, I want to do central authorization in a deeper level, the business logic level of the applications. I want my service, whose authorization core is on AD, to be able to control users using internal processes of an application like the way GPOs work with Windows. I wonder if it's possible? Maybe done by controlling some libraries in .NET Framwork for applications using .NET or something like that?
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