Accessing Array values in Hashtable
I designing a program that runs through a list of stocks, obtains the price, adds the price to an Array and pops off the last price. Then I want to be able to access the array from a hastable (with the symbol as the key) for analysis. But I have no way of accessing the arrays. Maybe there is a better way to go about this? Thanks.
double[] A1 = { 5.05, 5.33, 5.66, 5.22, 5.49 };
double[] A2 = { 6.55, 7.33, 6.96, 7.22, 8.49 };
Hashtable H = new Hashtable();
H.Add("A1", A1);
H.Add("A2", A2);
Console.WriteLine("TYPE: " + HHH["A1"].GetType()); // this returns System.Double[] so why doesn't this work? :
double[] G = HHH["A1"]; or object[]G = HHH["A1"];