Hi all,
I'm getting my feet wet with object-oriented programming. I've put together an object that loads agents based off of their employee number. One of the items there is an anonymous list generated from a Linq query. I cannot access the individual list items after creating the objects. Here's the code:
public class AgentObject { public int EmpNumber; public object stats; public AgentObject(int EmployeeNumber) { EmpNumber = EmployeeNumber; stats = AgentStats(EmpNumber); }
protected virtual object AgentStats(int EmpNum) { Roboto.GetData empData = new Roboto.GetData(); DataTable dt = empData.Eligible("test"); var query = (from r in dt.AsEnumerable() where r.Field<string>("Employee_Number") == EmpNum.ToString() select new { Employee_Number = r["Employee_Number"], Full_Name = r["Full_Name"], Supervisor_Name = r["Supervisor_Name"], Awesomeness = r["Awesomeness"], Lameness = r["Lameness"] }).ToList(); return query; } }
I'm creating an array of agent objects like:
foreach (var v in query) { for (int j = 0; j < aObject.Count(); j++) { aObject[j] = new SubmittedExceptions(Convert.ToInt32(v.Employee_Number)); } }
(where query is the results from another Linq query to get a full list of employee numbers).
So the question is, how do I access the individual items under aObject[x].stats? I need to fill some on-screen data with stats.Full_Name and stats.Supervisor_Name.
I tried:
foreach (var v in aObject[x].stats) { lblEmployee_Number.txt = v.Full_Name; }
but v.full_name (nor anything else under the anonymous type 'stats' is recognized.
Thanks in advance for the help!