
Accesing variable/function in Control using (Control)Sender

karhong karhong

karhong karhong



I've created a partial class : Control for designing the shape of my polygon.
It works well but there's one problem that I tried to find on net but I get nothing.

I've created one int named 'size'. Then I created a function named 'Growing' for 'get' and 'set'.
When I created an object from that class, I just type on the object name.Growing, then I can 'get' the size and 'set' the size.
This no problem.

The problem exist when I created as follow:

private void Grow(object sender, EventArgs e)
 Control controlAll =  (Control)sender; 

This 'controlAll' is use to track which polygon I choose.
but when I run this line of code, it seems like controlAll can't get to the function I declared in the class "Growing"

controlAll.Growing = 50;   // ERROR WENT HERE


Is there any ways to make the control to identified the function that I created in the class ? Any idea ? 

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