
About Project Managment

Harish Paudel

Harish Paudel

At www.wizardmeet.com we can get professional project management tool-set for free. Using its excellent features you can very easily manage project, collaborate between team members and report generation. wizardmeet have quality of attributes which enhance the knowledge and skill like: Platform to share the knowledge(with forum), enhance the skill and it easily comprehensive. Most important about wizardmeet has to maintain the Project as required as Administration and organization need. I have personally used it to manage couple of my freelance projects and it is simply great experience. Small freelancer like me it is a blessing as most project management software are very complex and expensive as well. Oh it also has other features like :career and profile listing, dedicated forum category for free job posting etc. Seems it is a small startup and not popular yet but IMO they are doing great. Try it yourself!