Noida Chapter
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Noida Chapter

Rockin’ The Code World with dotNetDave ft. Robert Bogue - Ep. 86

Rohit Tomar Noida Chapter

Join us on August 5 with David McCarter Robert Bogue for the next episode of Rockin' The Code World with dotNetDave - a weekly show to learn & live Q&A focused on .NET and other programming technologies.


  • Introduction
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Wrap up


Robert Bogue has led change projects for three decades. As a recovering technologist, he's changed the way people work as he changed technology. He's the author of 28 books and has been a Microsoft MVP for 19 years. His work has transformed corporations, government, and quasi-government organizations. It's not about the technology, but he leverages his strength in technology and human systems to create change that is sustainable and transformative for organizations of all sizes and shapes.


  • 6 58.8k 1.8m
Chapters Leader

With over 10 years of vast development experience on different technologies, Nitin Pandit is Microsoft certified Most Valued Professional (Microsoft MVP) as ...

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