Noida Chapter
Live Show
Noida Chapter

Rockin’ The Code World with dotNetDave ft. Arthur Doler Ep. 62

Rohit Tomar Noida Chapter

Join us on July 30 with Arthur Doler for the next episode of Rockin' The Code World with dotNetDave - a weekly show to learn & live Q&A focused on .NET and other programming technologies.


  • Introduction
  • Mental Health
    • Naïve realism
    • Using your internal dialogue in useful and productive ways
    • Burnout
  • Wrap up


Arthur has been a software engineer for 18 years and has worked on things as exciting as analysis software for casinos and things as boring as banking websites. He is an advocate for talking openly about mental health and psychology in the technical world, and he spends a lot of time thinking about how we program and why we program, and about the tools, structures, cultures, and mental processes that help and hinder us from our goal of creating amazing things.


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With over 10 years of vast development experience on different technologies, Nitin Pandit is Microsoft certified Most Valued Professional (Microsoft MVP) as ...

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