Ahmedabad Chapter
Ahmedabad Chapter

Learn NodeJS and Progressive Web Apps

Dinesh Beniwal Ahmedabad Chapter
On April 29, Join Ahmedabad Chapter Meet to learn NodeJS and Progressive Web Apps.
Where: Er. Jinal Shah Coaching Classes, 108 Aarohi complex, Opp Qwichies Restauran, Near Rasranjan, Vijay Cross Road, Ahmedabad.

Price: Free of cost

Requirement: Bring your laptop and internet card
On April 29, we will cover the following topics, 
  • Introduction to building Web Api Using express and MySql
  • Hosting to Heroku Server
Progressive Web Apps 
  • Introduction to Progressive Web Apps
  • Why should we develop Progressive Web App?
  • Characteristics of Progressive Web App
  • Introduction to manifest and service worker to develop Progressive Web App
  • Implementation of Progressive Web App
Registration starts at 10:00 AM. So we request you to be there at 10:00 to get a seat.
Session details are as follows,

Introduction to Node.js & creating RESTFull Api using node.js,express and mysql
Jinal Shah 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Break NA12:00 PM - 12:15 PM
Introduction to Progressive Web Application and Service
Yatendrasinh Joddha
12:15 PM - 01:30 PM

Note: Laptop and data card is require for this track. Your laptop must have following software.

  • Node.js, Visual Studio Code

Queries concerning your registration should be addressed to [email protected] or call at 0120- 4256016.

  • NA 15.9k 1.4m
  • NA 1.4k 317.6k
Chapters Leader

Jignesh Trivedi is a Developer, C# Corner MVP, Microsoft MVP, Author, Blogger,eager to learn new technologies

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