Registration Closed
Indore Chapter
Indore Chapter

Frontend Days Event - Angular Day Indore

Rohit Tomar Indore Chapter

On August 27, Join us for the Frontend Days Event - Angular Day Indore. This event will feature local speakers and we invite everyone to join this community event.

It's a FREE event.

On August 27, we will cover the following topics,

  • Introduction to C# Corner
  • AngularJS Basics to Advance
    • MVC 
    • Expressions and directives 
    • Controllers and Modules, Scopes, filters, dom, forms, ajax, validation, services
  • What's New in Angular 14
    • Introduction of all features released in Angular 14 
    • Standalone Components 
    • Typed Forms 
    • Tree shakable error messages 
  • Communicating with Backend 
    • Introduction to HTTP
    • HTTP Verbs 
    • Swagger and Swagger Hub
    • Sending Data to Servers 

Session details are as follows

Introduction to C# Corner Viral Jain 10:00 AM - 10:05 AM
AngularJS Basics to Advance Prabhat Agrawal 10:05 AM - 10:50 AM
What's New in Angular 14 Srasthi Jain 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Communicating with Backend Pradhan Yash Sharma 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

Queries concerning your registration should be addressed to [email protected] or call at +91- 9907491927.

  • NA 3.5k 0
  • NA 3.8k 581.8k
  • 35 36.4k 1.3m
Chapters Leader

I am working on IOT, Azure, and ASP.NET MVC and .NET Core and like to explore new technologies and writing blogs on it. I've worked on ASP.NET MVC, .NET ...

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