Public Event

Evolving Technology In The Womanly Way

Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
We are pleased to announce Mehreen Tahir as our noteworthy speaker for Data Analysis session hosted by Microsoft Student Partners - #WomenInTech.
She works as a software engineer for Trimu labs, besides she is an accomplished technical writer and author at Packt Publishing. Apart from being a UGRAD alumna, having received Most Valuable Professional award by C# Corner and leading one of its chapters in Pakistan, she has served as a community speaker and a mentor for different conferences in various institutes. Furthermore , she’s been involved with a few major publishers as an author and reviewer of technical courses focusing on cognitive services.
Session Highlights:
  • Introduction to Data Analysis
  • Python- the most popular language for data analysis.
  • Introduction to python for Data Analysis.
  • Discussion on performing data analysis on Covid-19 dateset.
  • NA 6.2k 445k

Webinar Details

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